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"We can sing ourselves awake to who we really are. Our voices and chant are powerful tools for healing and Divine gifts for illumination."
                      - Gina Sala, vocalist/composer/director/sound healer.
What is Mantra?
The word 'mantra' derives from the word ''mantram' meaning mind protection or mind release. When grouped, the words carry certain phonetic vibrations enabling a healing energy to be released. The mind is brought under control simply by focusing on the sound allowing true peace of mind.
What is Kirtan?

The word 'Kirtan' means to sing! It is the practise of repetitive call and response

chanting stemming from Bhakti yoga, the yoga of love and devotion. It is also

known as, the path of the heart. We chant/sing the many names of the Divine using

sacred mantras in Sanskrit. Kirtan releases a healing energy that helps individuals

open their hearts, still their minds and uplift their spirits.

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